Term of the Month: Institutional Critique. Anya Znaenok
Our blog and what we write about here.
Here we collect for you the most interesting texts, interviews, recommendations and feedback from our artists, about their practices and our experiences together. We are the authors of this blog. Let's get to know each other!
Lisa Rommé
Curator/ artist
Anna Znaenok
Journalist/art historian
Critical article on Lisa SHtormit-Romme's work in the American Edition www.aedrafinearts.com
Varvara STERN: “I can say with absolute certainty that Rubens would have pressed the AI button non-stop. All of them — Dürer, and Leonardo, too”
Relational AestheticsIn 1992
Olya Shuzbekia: “The contemporary artist is a shaman”
Asya Chardymskaia, watercolor artisT. Columbus, Ohio, USA
Art is not for everyone. The myth of art accessibility
Visa talent. A successful relocation story.
статья Анны Знаенок в научном рецензируемом журнале “Анализ влияния барбизонской школы на пейзажную живопись Натаниэля Хоуна-младшего”
интервью и публикация в журнале "Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art. ISSUE14" magazine, Barcelon
Что такое виза талант и как ее получить?
Зачем художнику арт-доки и можно ли их сделать самому?
Анна знаенок, обложка для книги издательство Пять четвертей
Кирилл пискунов, коллажист, иваново
Why does an artist need an art residency? podcast.
интервью лизы штормит для журнала ART Muse